Thanks to Kwong How for the tip of down-scaling via photoshop! :)
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you're welcome :)
nice people photographs here, i always lack the courage to shoot people hahaha
anyway any reason for all the photos being in black and white?
I'm glad you asked! Because my current mood makes me feel that colour photos aren't suitable haha.
Mostly because the colours aren't all that great to begin with. The children photos in colour would have been vibrant and energetic (so the reason for the monochrome was my mood) but the others I feel that the message is stronger in black and white. :)
Plus, the next part of the series will be in colour and it's all about the fun and sun so it'll be a nice change!
haha, i read the ClubSNAP photography forums and that's what the experts like to ask when people post pictures for critique. i just copycat only, lol
anyway from what i've learnt, it seems that b&w is recommended in the following situations:
- when the subject itself is really very strong on its own
- if the colours in the background distract the viewers from the main subject
- if the whole picture is really dull and colours do nothing to contribute to the picture
- or, of cuz, the mood the photographer is trying to imply =)
so it seems it's justified! good effort!
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