Then he's confident. Moving with ease. Nonchalance.
"Both species (Sumatran and Bornean) live in the Southeast Asia rainforests. Unfortunately, their habitat is increasingly being threatened and destroyed by logging and forest fires. Other threats facing these creatures include poaching for illegal pet trade, and the “only way to get a baby is to kill the mother”. To date, the population of Bornean orang utans is estimated at 55,000. It is listed as an endangered species on the IUCN's Red List of Threatened Animals and on Appendix I of CITES. Their Sumatran counterpart, on the other hand, is said to have population numbers of only 7,500 left in the wild, making this species critically endangered."
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Will you save the rainforests to save them?
1 comment:
i love the second picture. it captures one of nature's act so aptly. keep your passion for photography going(: hugs.
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