The best thing about his competition is that his rules did not state only 1 entry per assignment! And then there's post-editing which Canon Photomarathon did not have time for.
Assignment 1: Through A Hole
Through a Hole, Back in TimeHole in the Dough (just for the fun of it)
Assignment 2: Animals
This is called creativity, not cheating. :))
Twist in Perspective
Assignment 3: Freestyle
Actually I picked "Duality" but I had no idea what it meant. So I skipped and picked another hoho. Another advantage of Meng Photomarathon.
The reward!
Playtime. :D Play with Wesley + Giving him a Bath It's really nice playing with and bathing a dog once again. :) That stupid furball responds more to other random names than Wesley haha. His cousin's dog. Cute and crazy!